picture of the week 04.09.19

The megacity of Tokyo as seen on a warm September afternoon from the top of the Roppongi Hills centre. 54 floors above ground and completely open. It was idyllic for this couple but I was out of there as soon as I had the courage to move myself.

Sony Alpha 5100


picture of the week 07.08.19

Here is a long-nosed goblin in the car park of the railway station at Kurama at the edge of Kyoto. Tengu – as they are known – are considered to be protective, if still dangerous, spirits of the mountains and forests.

Panasonic DMC GF-1

picture of the week 30.05.18

Friday evening at the station; the pound shop offers all sorts of temptation while they wait for their friends.

One of my favourite photos although technically not very sharp.

Lecia C-LUX 3

picture of the week 02.05.18

Tokyo Shinkansen station. A small group of cleaning ladies wait for the next train so they can clean the carriages in the 2 minutes that the train is at the platform before departure.

Sony DSC camera

picture of the week 04.04.18

First week of April and it should be spring in the UK but no sign of blossoms around here yet; this is a picture of a lone blossom bud in the grounds of Osaka Castle.

Details : Panasonic GF1 with F1.7 lens




error: All material on this site is copyright Robin Jeeps 2022.