picture of the week 24.07.19 – Tramlines Special

So the annual Tramlines festival has been and gone for 2019 so here are some images from the weekend.

First of all when it has been torrential rain for the whole day you need some decent footwear …

and then some sensible clothing to wear …

and something to eat …

Coloured flares are a mixed blessing but are unavoidable …

even indoors – somewhere in here is Peter Hook and his band …

Add all of the above at the same time and it comes together beautifully – here are The Courteneers on the main stage on Saturday night.

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picture of the week 10.07.19

I finally managed to get a lovely clear picture of the fox cub who comes through my garden every evening and early morning on his daily round. I would love to say I stalked him for hours to get this beautiful face but it was taken by a remote camera at ground level while he had paused to take a drink from the pond.


picture of the week 27.03.19

Poster for the Palace Theatre at Attercliffe. The theatre opened originally as a Variety Theatre called the Alhambra on the 3rd January 1898, renamed at the turn of the century, closed 1st July 1955 despite being cleaned daily.


iPhone 8


error: All material on this site is copyright Robin Jeeps 2022.